Happy July and August!

Just when I think I have it all planned out then life happens! This is why July newsletter has evolved and combined into July/August newsletter! Everything I “planned” to write in July has changed as I now have new opportunities and new ideas to share with you and put out to the Universe!

I am currently in L.A with my youngest daughter. She is a dancer and we have come for national competitions as well as a week of auditioning to be a company dancer for L.A. Dance Magic. For the last 8 days I have watched hundreds of teenagers dance with their hearts as if their physical bodies were limitless and weightless. I watch them laugh with their bellies! I see authenticity in their tears of excitement and joy. Their support and wishes for each other to do well is genuine. However, this is a competition and therefore low scores vs. high scores equal losers and winners. So, I have also seen heartbreak, fear, blame, and attacks of self-esteem. Needless to say, we have been on an emotional roller coaster ride!

But isn’t this how it is for all of us? Isn’t life a big crazy roller coaster ride with ups and downs? How then, can we create our own reality full of abundance, joy and happiness with all this craziness going on in the world around us? My answer has been inspired by watching and feeling all these amazing teenagers around me (and their teachers). My answer is…

Learn, Laugh, and Love!

I have decided that for me, if I simply maintain a balance of learning, laughing and loving then I can manage whatever else life wants to throw into the mix! I know that we create our own reality by choosing the way we respond to life situations and outside relationships. I have also learned that I do better with my “choosing” if I come from inner balance when I make my choice. My inner balance then reflects back to me as my reality via my choices. So, I choose to stay open to all possibilities of learning. I choose to laugh at myself and to attract friends who give me a good belly laugh (you know who you culprits are). I choose to laugh at the simple wisdom of my grandchildren. I choose to let go and just love as often as humanly possible. When not possible then I ask God and Goddess to fill me up with light until I can choose love again.

What brings YOU inner balance? Music? Beauty? Learning? Dancing? Laughter? I wish to inspire each of you to ponder this and get clear with some answers. Perhaps you are feeling out of sorts or out of alignment, even though you “thought” you were doing what creates inner balance for you? Could it be that you have changed and grown out of the old? Is it time to visit your inner castle? Speaking of “castle”, are any of you Carolyn Myss fans? I am! She was one of my first gurus about 20 years ago. You might like to know that she has produced a new program titled “Entering the Castle”. It is 9 cds with her direct and spicy lecture along with some guided meditations.

Well anyway, let me just say CONGRATULATIONS to each and every dancer this week who dared to dance with their hearts wide open, who dared to cry, laugh, win, lose, be scared, make mistakes and even fall down! Let us all learn from these teenagers who have created their own powerful inner balance! I dare YOU to do the same? And thank you to my daughter Rosie, you truly are a Goddess of Dance!

As our friend Me-Mary would say “ROSIE ROCKS!”

Reiki, Reiki, Reiki, Yes! I LOVE Reiki!

Cool Stories from Cool Reiki Students!

I have been doing Reiki on anybody I can get my hands on here at summer school, and wondered about some reactions. One client was having moderate abdominal pain where she had surgery 20 some years ago, and as I proceeded with the Reiki she felt such heat that it was like I had a steam iron there. My hands felt much more energy and heat than usual too. She came in the next morning beaming with excitement as her pain was nearly gone. Her face showed it too!

Other clients have said they feel a “pulling” sensation as if my hands are pulling things away, or opening things, like a sinus passage.

Your humble student,
J.L. RN, School Nurse

And from another cool student…………………

My very best friend Chanda has fibromyalgia. Quite often I give her a Reiki treatment that gives her great relief from pain and reduces her stress immensely. She is a true testament to the wonderful powers of Reiki. I also have a black cat named Ebby. Every time I give Chanda a treatment Ebby shows up and jumps onto the table with Chanda and nestles himself in between her knees. He makes himself very comfortable. I have tried to take him off the table but he just jumps back up. Chanda, being the animal lover she is, insists I leave him there. As I give the Reiki treatment Ebby goes into a very deep, relaxed state and after it is over he seems to be in a “kitty coma”.

He is sooo relaxed and content. Needless to say, he knows when I am doing Reiki and loves it and must be a part of it. I truly believe he can feel the wonderful energy and, as a cat, always gets his way.

Lisa Willden, Health Coach / Reiki Practitioner

P.S. Feel free to contact Lisa Willden. She lives in North Salt Lake and is currently taking new clients as a Health Coach and Reiki Practitioner. I LOVE HER and I trust that you will too!

Spirit Speaks!

Or is it crazy voices in my head? Actually I think it’s my friend Adrienne who will not stopping bugging me to get myself back on track with the writing of my book……….aahhh……….yes I said book! This is where I get a huge taste of practicing what I preach “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”

My book will cover about 4 different topics ie; loss of a loved one, the grieving process, accepting happiness again, and the spiritual realm as it pertains to communicating with our loved ones.

You may or may not know that my oldest son, Shayne, died when he was 19 years old. He passed over on March 9, 2001. I plan to share in my book what the journey has been like to be “the mother who has lost a child”. My growth and spiritual connection are very inspired by my son and his death.

This photo was taken of Shayne and his siblings on his graduation day about one year before his death.

Please share your miracles?

I see too many parents suffering with their loss of connection to their child who has died. This breaks my heart. My purpose is to give relief and offer healing for their suffering. This is where many of you can possibly assist…..

I will have a very special chapter in my book that will hold dear and sacred information. This chapter is reserved for grieving parents to read the stories of other parents who have also lost a child. These stories will give examples of communication with their children’s spirits. Many of you have come to me for Reiki treatments and spiritual channeling. I have been the witness of miraculous connections and healings. I would love to add as many of these stories as possible. My purpose is to restore grieving parents with their hope and connection.

I know that I have also done channeling for many of you who wanted to communicate with parents, siblings, grandparents, best friends, and other loved ones who have passed over. I would like to share these experiences as well and I would very much appreciate your assistance.

ALL experiences, big and small are valuable. ALL messages received, silly and serious are valuable. So PLEASE do not hesitate to send me your story. The point I want to make when parents, and others, are stuck in grief is that communication is still possible. My own opinion, based on my experience of working with hundreds of clients, is that all communication with the Spiritual realm is valuable and sacred!

If any of you feel inspired to do so, please email your story to lisa@healingltc.com and also include a sentence or two stating that you give me and my publisher permission to use it in my book. I will also need to change the names of people to protect privacy.

Chakra Healing

August 14, I am very excited to teach Chakra 101!When I first learned about chakra anatomy, every moment became an “aha moment”. My eyes were opened and so many questions about “who I am” and “why do I do the things I do” got answered.

Your Chakra System is no longer considered by us “Westerners” to be weird voodoo. In fact, your chakra centers have been scientifically proven to exist using technology developed from the NASA space program by Dr.Valorie Hunt. She also verified that each chakra is connected to our sensations, feelings and thoughts. So? What are you waiting for? Knowledge about your-self is EMPOWERING! It can also be FUN! Who needs a psychic? Its easy to learn for yourself how to read your own energy patterns!

Besides teaching you about yourself, Chakra 101 also teaches you how to clear and balance your chakras using aromatherapy, crystal healing, meditation, worksheets, and more!

August 15,Chakra 102 will blow you away! Sound therapy has been proven over and over to be an effective healing technique. This is why I have added drumming to my client’s treatments as well as to my class curriculum. In my Chakra 102 class you will learn how to cleanse and revitalize your aura and chakras using the power of drumming. To add to the fun you will be taking home your own drum so that you can continue working on yourself as well others! Pre-requisite is Chakra 101. Absolutely NO musical experience necessary. Registration deadline for Chakra 102 is August 1st so that our drums can get ordered and arrive on time!

*My website has great info on Chakras and Drumming www.HealingLTC.com

Inner Balance thru Meditation

Earlier in this newsletter I talked about going within yourself to find what brings you inner balance. One of the most powerful techniques used for this has been around since the beginning of time, it is called meditation.

I am offering a meditation class once every month. I am the first to admit how awesome they have been. Those of you who have joined me I know will agree! We are learning so much from each other and the personal healing has been profound!

We meet from 6pm to 8pm at my classroom in Orem. The cost is $20 at the door. Seating is limited to the first 12 people who call me to reserve seats. You can leave me a voicemail at 801-360-6909.

The following is our agenda for July and August classes:

July 27th Tuesday……I am currently in the process of producing another healing meditation cd called “Soul Linking”. This class will teach you what Soul Linking actually is and how this powerful technique can rid you of pain and resentment that perhaps you have held onto for years and years! My CD should be available for purchase at this class!

August 19th Thursday……Feeling scattered or disconnected? Have you been uprooted lately or had your foundation rocked? Allow me to guide you through a very grounding visualization that will assist you to feel safe, secure and supported again. We will also discuss the 1st Chakra energy center and how it affects your health. We will close with a drumming session to connect you to MotherEarth.

Questions and Answers

I love receiving emails from my students with questions as well as cool Reiki stories. Please keep them coming! If you are not a former student of Healing Light Reiki Center then please know that you too are welcome to email me with questions and healing Reiki stories to share in our monthly newsletter.

Thank you for taking time to read this email.

