Chakra Healing

In healing over the past few decades, there has been an explosion of interest in complementary medicine. This has led to a deeper
understanding of how the body functions and how energy flows through it. At the same time, people have developed a greater awareness
of a more subtle energy system – the Chakra system. This is like discovering a part of the anatomy that we did not know existed! And
being able to use it to enhance our health and well-being. The yogis have used the Chakra system for thousands of years as an integral
part of holistic healing: knowing that a person’s illness often first manifests itself in the Chakra, before the body, mind and emotions.
They knew that no one could be completely healed if the Chakra system continued to be out of balance.

Your body has seven major energy centers called Chakras, which need to be balanced for your life to be in balance. Each Chakra corresponds
to certain physical, emotional, and psychological needs. When energy is flowing freely through our Chakras, we feel grounded, creative,
powerful, loving, confident, intuitive and connected. When energy is obstructed in our Chakras, we feel constricted, sickly, depressed,
confused, fearful and disconnected. Maintaining open Chakras and allowing energy to flow without resistance is key to physical, emotional
and spiritual well being.

“When I speak of Chakras and Chakra healing, my approach is not what if, there were an aura but that in fact, there is one.” Rosalyn
L. Bruyere. Bruyere spent twelve years at UCLA collaborating with Dr. Valerie Hunt to find scientific documentation of human energy
fields. This study provided evidence that not only do Chakra energies exist, but that they are connected in a very real way to our
sensations, feelings and thoughts.

People often look to others for guidance with life’s struggles. We find ourselves continually searching for answers to our pain and
problems. What if our answers lie within?

Knowledge is power. Take control of your health. Rebalance your own Chakra system. In my Chakra workshop, you will first learn the
basic principles of your Chakra system, followed by many techniques to clear and bring into balance this part of your anatomy. You
will learn how to use the Chakras to help heal and develop yourself in mind, body and spirit. I offer an easy, fun and friendly classroom
environment, for people ages 14 and up who want to be creators in their own lives and take on their health, energy and vitality. I’m
convinced that when you come to know more about yourself through the simple dynamics of your energy anatomy, you will know more about
how to create what you want in life.

Love and Healing Light,

Lisa Ross-Walker

Tips For “Life-ing”

Stressed Out? Try a Personal Concierge Service

Imagine a personal assistant picking your child up from school when you are stuck in traffic… On the way to your house, they pick
up your dry cleaning and the office suppliesyou need for a meeting tomorrow. By the time you arrive home, they have cleaned your kitchen
and made your hungry child a snack and scheduled a massage for you after the big meeting tomorrow! Even if it sounds too good to be
true, in this case it is not.

Melody Neil developed My Concierge Services, Inc. in Utah for the average, over-busy, often over-whelmed, working parent and business
people. She can provide for you a personal assistant, a massage therapist at your door, nurses, daycare providers, errand runners,
pet care providers, light workers and intuitive angel workers, caterers, travel agencies, carpet cleaners, personal shoppers, kitchen
painters – all extraordinary contractors looking to serve you in extraordinary ways. For more information or to begin concierge services,
call Melody Neil at (801) 253-4178 or

In addition, Melody is looking for professionals to join her team! If you have an exceptional skill or talent to share such as massage,
organization skills, personal shopping, etc., let her know.

A Meditation of Love by Louise Hay

In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete.

I live in harmony and balance with everyone I know.

Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of Love. I now allow this Love to flow to the surface.

It lifts my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me

The more Love I use and give, the more I have to give – the supply is endless.

The use of Love makes me feel good. It is an expression of my inner joy.

I Love myself; therefore I take Loving care of my body. I Lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages.

I Lovingly groom and dress it, and my body Lovingly responds to me with vibrant health and energy.

I Love myself: therefore I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in.

I fill the rooms with the vibration of Love so that all who enter, myself included, will feel this Love and be nourished by it.

I Love myself; therefore I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing, one that used my creative talents and abilities, working with and
for people that I Love and who Love me, and earning a good income.

I Love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a Loving way to all people for I know that which I give out returns to me multiplied.

I only attract Loving people in my world, for they are a mirror of what I am.

I Love myself; therefore I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences, and I am free.

I Love myself; therefore I Love totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good, and knowing that my future is bright, and joyous
and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe.

And the Universe Lovingly takes care of me now and forevermore. And so it is!


Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is an ancient form of healing that can be a powerful method of reducing stress and promoting well-being. Reiki is a hands-on healing technique that works to equalize energy imbalances in the body-imbalances that signify physical or emotional pain.

Many ancient cultures used the subtle energy method of healing, in which life-force energy flowed from the practitioner to the patient. Western medicine is just now beginning to explore some ideas of energy that have been in Eastern medicine for thousands of years. It is being proven that this same life force flows in every cell, tissue and organ in your body, and can actually be measured. Every organ in the human body has a pulsing electromagnetic field, and each one vibrates to a specific speed.

It’s been scientifically proven that a healer’s hands can pulse with energy, at a rate that unhealthy organs or tissues they are treating need in order to become healthy. According to William Lee Rand, author of The Reiki Touch Workbook, “Through the process of magnetic induction or Faradays Law, the healer’s hands induce the healthy frequency into the unhealthy electromagnetic field of the organ, thus helping the organ to return to a healthy state.”

While the scientific applications are fascinating, what happens in a Reiki session on a personal basis to each of my clients is much more fascinating. By understanding Reiki, you can use this subtle, life-force energy to create a better life for yourself and for those around you, with or without the help of a practitioner. That is why I have a developed a series of classes in which to allow you to learn Reiki for yourself. This promotes choice for you – choice in healing yourself from everyday stress, illness, and perceived limitations or lack.

I challenge you to consider the benefits of Reiki and what it can do for your life, and to test the healing benefits of this age-old healing tradition, with modern results.