An Invitation to the Remarkable
I am delighted that I keep attracting students who are ready to learn and are powerfully motivated to make a difference in their world, from healing to abundance! I have three remarkable, upcoming classes I would genuinely like to share with you, that I know will inspire you even further on your journey of life:
1. Advanced Reiki Training
First, for those students who have taken Reiki I/II, the powerful, take-it-to-the-next-level class is called ART: Advanced Reiki Training.
In this intensive one-day class you will learn how to use crystals and stones with Reiki, how to make a Reiki grid to continuously send Reiki to yourself and others, plus specific meditations, advanced techniques, jump-starting goals using Reiki, aura clearing, and using the Usui Master symbol to increase the effectiveness of what you have learned so far. ART is being held Saturday, April 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you thought Reiki I/II was powerful, just hold on to your shorts — you will love ART! Hurry! Class size is limited to enhance your experience.
2. Chakra Healing Workshop
Second, due to popular demand, I scheduled another Chakra Healing workshop! Come and join us May 4th and 5th, 2007 , for another powerful workshop. Beginning Friday from 3-9 p.m. and continuing Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., this empowering class teaches you how to cleanse and re-energize your Chakras with easy-to-learn, fun-to-do techniques using color therapy, aromatherapy, visualizations, crystals, physical movement, meditation & more! Includes a new, beautifully detailed, colorfully-illustrated, 142-page manual. A revitalizing weekend is in store!
3. Reiki I/II
This class is available for anyoone with a desire to connect with self and others in healing mind, body and relationships. Taught together during a weekend intensive course, Reiki I/II covers learning to sense and increase your own energy vibration to stay centered and balanced; use Reiki to create a healing space for home and health, to call forth success and abundance; to create positive, profound changes in relationships and self image, and to give a complete treatment to yourself and to others. It’s that simple –and that profound.
Take remarkable action! Take on your life!
If you are interested in any of Lisa’s upcoming classes, call (801) 360-6909, sign up online, or email her at
as soon as possible, since class size is limited to 20 students.
Tips For “LIFE-ing”
Introducing Ask and It Is Given
Read the book Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. This book will help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you are living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. As you read, you will come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns and more are influenced by universal laws that govern your time-space-reality. And you will discover powerful processes that will help you go with the positive flow of life.
“It’s your birthright to live a life filled with everything that is good! And this book will show you how to make it so in every way.” There is practical advise as well as stimulating exercises in manifesting your desires. For more information, go to Check out their free mp3s, too!
Reiki Shares
What is a Reiki Share? It is a simply beautiful, abundant experience where Reiki practitioners and others who are interested in asking questions and experiencing Reiki for the first time connect together.
Reiki Shares are free events, open to everyone. It’s the best way for you to learn about Reiki and experience it for yourself, if you have not already. Grab a friend, dress comfy, and prepare to relax and enjoy the evening. If you are already a Reiki practitioner, please join us in sharing this beautiful, healing energy with others. Lisa would be happy to assist you in putting on a Reiki share of your own. Simply call (801) 360-6909 for more information.
The “Magic” of Reiki I/II
Is Reiki really magic? Scientifically, there is an explanation for Reiki energy, yet students who have taken the classes are ecstatic
at what feels like “magical” results that show up in their lives.
Marc and Liberty Mason recently took Reiki I/II and have this to share: “Every time I give a Reiki treatment to someone,” says Liberty, “I
love to look in a mirror afterwards. I look and feel ten years younger! It’s very refreshing. I’m more balanced, and I have gained
a higher understanding of my own divinity. Reiki is calming, empowering, and it has opened a lot of doors for me with great clarity.”
Marc agrees. “Reiki has allowed me to use the healing force that is within me,” he says. “I’ve had Reiki treatments before that were
really powerful. The realization that I could do it for myself was even more powerful.”