Fantastic Opportunity for You to Meet Dr Emoto!
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet world-acclaimed author of Message From Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, The Secret of Water, and more, speaking in Provo, May 23, 2007 at 7:30pm. The event will be held at UVSC – Utah Valley State College.
Dr. Emoto has traveled around the globe to bring awareness to his astounding and inspiring messages he has found in water. As humans, we are creators (whether deliberate or not) of our own experiences. Dr. Emoto’s photos show the power of human thought, words, and even expressions of music can be on water. As beings in bodies made of more than 90% water, this is critical and timely information on what we think, feel and say about ourselves and others. Come and see what Dr. Emoto has to share with you about his discoveries and what it can mean in your life.
Go to: for one night only. Please help us spread the word about this wonderful event!
Practical Applications for Reiki with Beautiful Results
by Bridget Cook
Since I have taken Reiki, many beautiful, even miraculous circumstances and situations have developed, directly drawing on the power of Reiki. While I am not what some might consider a professional “Reiki practitioner” in that I simply use this powerful healing modality on my close family, friends and especially myself, I can only say what wonderful benefits it has brought to my life.
After one of these particularly powerful experiences, my friend Kevin asked, “So, is Reiki like… prayer on steroids?” I laughed and nearly fell off my chair. And then I thought about it. “Yes.” I said. “That’s exactly what it is – only I’ve found that there are no negative side-effects – it’s all about God’s power being made manifest in alignment with your clear intentions – and when you ask for it in gratitude and with the highest good of all involved, incredible things can happen.”
I share some very personal experiences for your benefit, if only to raise the consciousness of where Reiki might apply in your life as well. Not only have I used this long-distance on behalf of my children in serious situations at school and for my father who was critically ill, but I also use it personally and often professionally. With the power of Reiki, I was able to purchase the home of my dreams for literally thousands less, miraculously within my price range. In addition, I asked the healing and beautiful power of Reiki to assist in a critical business situation (where tempers had been running so high as to be destructive). Again, I did not ask for manipulation or to force a situation – I simply asked the Reiki energy to bless everyone concerned in such a way as it would assist in the highest good of all involved. In this and other seemingly impossible situations, suddenly the answers came, solutions were found, and blessings acknowledged. This I can tell you – Reiki works!
Lisa is teaching Reiki I & II on May 19 & 20, 2007. I encourage anyone who would like more peace, prosperity, joy and happiness in their personal and professional lives to consider this powerful, healing modality.
Tips For “LIFE-ing”
An Interview with God
Check out this beautiful, very inspirational movie. It only takes a few minutes to watch, but is truly touching:”.