Chakra Power

Each month we will give you an introductory taste to one of your seven main vital energy centers known as Chakras. When energy is flowing freely through our chakras, we feel grounded, creative, powerful, loving, confident, intuitive and connected. When energy is obstructed in our Chakras, we feel constricted, sickly, depressed, confused, fearful and disconnected.

Claim the power in your 1st Chakra this month!

Your 1st Chakra, also known as the Root Chakra, is located at the base of your spine, around your coccyx or tailbone area.

This first Chakra resonates with the color red. Are you feeling safe in your world? Are you feeling financially abundant? Are you feeling dynamic health and vitality? If not, your first Chakra may be out of balance. Here are some suggestions to assist you in reclaiming your power.

The 1st Chakra loves physical exercise! In addition, take multi- vitamins and eat consciously for proper nutrition.

Use crystals with energy frequencies that support the 1st Chakra, such as hematite, black tourmaline, red zincite and smoky quartz.
Plant earthy, red flowers in your garden, Dab a drop of patchouli or cedarwood essential oils on the base of your spine, and inhale the scent deeply through your nose. Light a red, glowing candle and say the following affirmation:

Affirmation: I am safe and secure. I am healthy and abundant. All is well, perfect, whole and complete in my world.

To learn how to cleanse, balance, and re-energize your seven main Chakra power centers, join us at our Claim Your Power Conference, October 12 and 13, 2007 at the beautiful Thanksgiving Point Garden Room!

Tips For “LIFE-ing”

Artwork that Soothes the Soul

Kim PageJennifer Bundey is an inspired and accomplished artist who lives and pursues her passion in East Bay and Gualala, California, who has allowed us to showcase her work in this (and perhaps other) newsletter(s). You will love the depth of color and soul that accompany each piece:

…I believe that colors heal the soul, both of the artist and the viewer.

Painting is a contemplative process for me. I simply start with color. Gradually the composition arises out of the color. The less I impose my ideas onto the painting, the more the work takes on a life and character of its own.

Jennifer’s art is displayed throughout California and is beginning to take prominence in other parts of the country as well. You are welcome to view and purchase her artwork on her website.