Becoming The Shift, Becoming The GIFT

Have you wondered what contribution YOU could make to a world in pain? A Bountiful student realizes the gift within him to give, every day that he uses Reiki at home, at work…

A student from Lisa’s latest Reiki I/II class is astounded at the things taking place within his life that has shifted dramatically from the miracles of using Reiki, as all sorts of unexpected doors are being opened.

“I knew before I took the class that I was being prepared for something,” says Brent, a Bountiful resident. “All kinds of things happened during and after class and validated what I was feeling. I received a lot of energy – I was completely lifted. It was a very beautiful experience, and the tools I received were very, very good. Now I use them every day, on everything.”

Be the Gift”For example,” Brent continues, “I am manifesting things left and right; it’s just amazing.” Brent, who runs a “healing” printing store in Bountiful, and since class has connected with clients he hasn’t seen in years, and attracted new, lucrative ones as well. His existing clients are also giving him more work. He was blessing the work he was doing for a particular client, with the highest good of all involved in mind. “Since Lisa’s class, with Reiki I have energized everything that I do for [this client], and we have done $4,000 worth of work for them just since the class. Last week she told me, ‘You are now our exclusive printer, without a doubt!’ We love serving them, and I was really pleased. I also know that by being in partnership with them, and using Reiki for the highest good of all involved, she’ll be our customer forever.”

As of this writing, Brent’s mother was going into surgery, and he was excited to use his tools to send her energy and healing when he visited her before the procedure. “I was a vessel – nothing but energy – from me to my mother. I felt an overwhelming burst of Reiki energy and my dad felt it, too… I know that angels are assisting her in recovering from surgery today. Reiki will assist the operation, it will assist all the staff – doctors, nurses, and it will result in a new beginning for her, so she’ll be able to step again and walk freely. I am so happy. Reiki is assisting me in being more empowered than ever before. I also took a step into a different space, and it has lifted more than I can ever say.”

Chakra Power

Each month we will give you an introductory taste to one of your seven main vital energy centers known as Chakras. When energy is flowing freely through our chakras, we feel grounded, creative, powerful, loving, confident, intuitive and connected. When energy is obstructed in our Chakras, we feel constricted, sickly, depressed, confused, fearful and disconnected.

Claim the power in your 1st Chakra this month!

Your 1st Chakra, also known as the Root Chakra, is located at the base of your spine, around your coccyx or tailbone area.

This first Chakra resonates with the color red. Are you feeling safe in your world? Are you feeling financially abundant? Are you feeling dynamic health and vitality? If not, your first Chakra may be out of balance. Here are some suggestions to assist you in reclaiming your power.

The 1st Chakra loves physical exercise! In addition, take multi- vitamins and eat consciously for proper nutrition.

Use crystals with energy frequencies that support the 1st Chakra, such as hematite, black tourmaline, red zincite and smoky quartz.
Plant earthy, red flowers in your garden, Dab a drop of patchouli or cedarwood essential oils on the base of your spine, and from your hands inhale the scent deeply through your nose. Light a red, glowing candle and say the following affirmation:

Affirmation: I am safe and secure. I am healthy and abundant. All is well, perfect, whole and complete in my world.

Tips For “LIFE-ing”

Every month Healing Light News brings you health tips or exciting services offered near you. Here is another great service we found:

Grand Opening of The Crystal Ray Store

An Oasis of Connection and Soul Vitality

So many folks in and around Pleasant Grove are celebrating the Grand opening of The Crystal Ray! This amazing place offers treatment facilities, conferences, and a beautiful retail store full of an array of crystals and gems, jewelry, books, CDs, wind chimes, statues, greeting cards and much more. In addition, you will find:

  • Quantum Touch Healers
  • Reiki Practitioners
  • Massage Therapists
  • Iridologists
  • Accupressurists
  • Psychic Readers
  • Sound/Color Therapists
  • Spiritual Mentors/Life Coaches & More!

Stop in and See What’s Happening at The Crystal Ray!
661 W State Rd, Suite D, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. (801) 785-8855