The Very Real Power of Reiki
Why is it students report such amazing experiences after taking Reiki? Check out what this student says about his experiences in everyday life since taking Reiki I/II!
Reiki is such a powerful tool that it can sometimes be difficult to put into words. We are gifted to have a student who is also a teacher, and able to share his experiences with Reiki in a beautiful manner:
“I have been far more aware, and sensitive to the light within people, says Jim, a teacher in the Utah Valley who recently took Lisa’s Reiki I/II class.” I am more aware of the energy people put out, and the frequency of it. It has opened up a lot of my intuitive gifts that you could call discernment…I’m beginning to realize how much energy, knowledge and wisdom there is in the space around us…I feel that I have tapped into the spiritual gift of knowing.”
Even Jim’s color perceptions have changed and expanded; purples, turquoises and other colors have became brighter, vivid, alive, especially when he closes his eyes. “After my Reiki attunement, I would close my eyes and see this beautiful, solid gold color.I was fighting back the tears the whole time I was being attuned. The experience was an answer to my prayers about learning the healing powers that are available to us on a deeper level than we’ve been aware of before.I had been asking God to coat me with healing knowledge like the dews on the grass… I’ve learned that prayer is not the words you speak, it’s the energy you send out, and Reiki is a powerful tool for that. I love sending Reiki to my wife, to myself, and to those I love at a distance. People have felt it and acknowledged it.
For example, one day I sent Reiki to my grandson who is 15 months old and lives in Pennsylvania. His mother reported to me that for some reason, that day he kept grabbing the book that has my picture in it. She said, “I don’t know why he keeps wanting that book.”
I said, “I do!””
Jim doesn’t just use Reiki occasionally or only for healing purposes. He has come to understand how beautiful a tool it is in his everyday life. “I use Reiki everywhere and constantly. There is no question in my mind, it’s very real. When I turn Reiki on, I feel it in my palms, and my whole body. Most amazing to me is the love that it turns on in me… Also, the more you use it, the more the universe shows you how to use it. It so powerful, and so beautiful. People today really need healing energy and the blessings of God in their lives.”
“What I love about Reiki is that it doesn’t have to replace anything in my life or anyone else’s. It just adds to it, enhances it, and assists us in coming from a more loving space. I am so grateful for Reiki. I told my wife, “I feel such peace, such joy, such love, I feel like I’m already in heaven, because I can’t imagine if I died this instant it would feel any better.”
Each month we will give you an introductory taste to one of your seven main vital energy centers known as Chakras. When energy is flowing freely through our chakras, we feel grounded, creative, powerful, loving, confident, intuitive and connected. When energy is obstructed in our Chakras, we feel constricted, sickly, depressed, confused, fearful and disconnected. Isn’t it time to Heal Your Life? Claim the power in your 2nd Chakra this month!
Also known as the Sacral Chakra, this power center resonates with creativity, sexuality, relationships, and being receptive to blessings.
The Sanskrit word is Svadhisthana, meaning ‘sweetness’ as it really is the pleasure center of your life. The 2nd power center builds upon the safety, security and abundance of your 1st power center and invites pleasure and nourishment of the soul, resonating with the vibrant color orange.
Crystals and stones to use in balancing the 2nd power center are citrine, rutilated quartz, golden topaz, moonstone and carnelian. Use orange essential oil, or a blend designed specifically for the Sacral Chakra. Light an orange, glowing candle and repeat the following affirmation.
Affirmation: “I easily create joy, abundance and love. I easily create harmony in all my relationships. I am at peace with my sexuality. I honor my desires and the sweetness of this life.”
To learn how to cleanse, balance, and re-energize your seven main Chakra power centers, stay Tuned for the next Chakra Healing Workshop! Go to for updates on all classes offered by Healing Light Training Center.
Other Great Classes! Every week the Crystal Ray store in Pleasant Grove offers free demonstrations as well as lectures and workshops from amazing people in our very own community! For example, one of the many events going on this week is:
Beyond Fear and Into Love with Trish Withus
This Saturday, March 8, 2008 from 10am-12:30pm
This spectacular workshop is a unique opportunity to learn how to recognize your choices, how to change them, and how to create a life filled with Love, Joy, and Abundance continually. Cost: $37
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED – Contact Trish (801) 918-6213.