A Blueprint for Wholeness
Did you know that God has given YOU the blueprint for wholeness? Every one of us are beings of unlimited possibilities, including wholeness – its just that sometimes we create possibilities that wreak havoc in our bodies or minds. Reiki allows us to tap into that blueprint of wholeness – as shown by Kay’s amazing story of healing, found on the International Center for Reiki Training website. We believe you will be inspired.
Heart Healed
I sort of bumped into Reiki. In 2000 I wasn’t feeling well, and after a lot of tests I was told that I had had a silent heart attack. I have diabetes. I was told that I needed a heart catheterization, so one was scheduled… a two-week wait. During this time I went with my partner to a college graduation party. There I met a woman who asked me if I was feeling OK. We discussed a few things, and then she asked me to come to her house during the week.
…The only night I could go was the night before I traveled four hours to Syracuse for the test. I went, not knowing what I was invited for. She asked me if I had ever heard of Reiki, and I had not. She asked if she could do a treatment-what did I have to lose? The treatment was wonderful and lasted about an hour. I became very calm, then very emotional–such a release. When she was done she let me talk about anything I needed to talk about. I felt so loved, protected, and different.
I had the [medical] procedure the next day. I was scared; I won’t deny that. During the treatment I began to cry; fear was taking over. The doctor told me to look at the monitors. There must have been ten of them against the wall. He then told me what he saw, and didn’t really understand. He said there was a very healthy heart on the screens, very healthy. There was no evidence of a heart attack, just a small valve problem. After the procedure he came to my room to talk with me. He said that he was sure I had had a heart attack-the echo, ultrasound, etc., had all indicated that I had, but there was no evidence of a heart attack. He didn’t understand it, he said. I said I did.
After I got home the next day I called my friend, my Reiki teacher, and told her the story. At that point my desire to know and use Reiki began. She was a Reiki Master, and from her I too have learned. Do I believe the Reiki made the difference? Yes, with all my heart and spirit. I tell this story when I teach Reiki, and always become emotional, as I am now.
Chakra Power
Each month we will give you an introductory taste to one of your seven main vital energy centers known as Chakras. When energy is flowing freely through our chakras, we feel grounded, creative, powerful, loving, confident, intuitive and connected. When energy is obstructed in our Chakras, we feel constricted, sickly, depressed, confused, fearful and disconnected. Isn’t it time to Heal Your Life?
Claim the power in your 5th Chakra this month!
This is the Center where the power of Will and Communication reside. Also known as your Throat Chakra, it is located in your throat and resonates with a beautiful sky blue.
Your Throat Chakra deals with willpower, or the power of choice, which is different than the personal power we dealt with in the 3rd Chakra. Your 5th Chakra is concerned with personal expression in speech, writing, singing and the arts. This energy center governs speech, sound, vibration, and communication. True communicators recognize their rights to express their feelings but do so in a way that does not diminish the other person. They integrate both heart and mind in their communication.
Do you ever find yourself taking part in verbal abuse? Do you talk too much or cut people off in conversations? Or, in a dramatic flip of the coin, do you hold back your thoughts, swallow your feelings or words, do you stutter, suffer from silence or rarely speak? Do you get sore throats easily? Are you often clearing your throat? If any of these hold true for you, your 5th Chakra could be out of balance.
To assist in the healing of your throat Chakra, express your thoughts in words that bring value to your communication. Be an active listener and hear hidden truths. Honor your own words as you allow others the respectful space to speak their truth, even when it is not yours. Use crystals with energy frequencies that support the 5th Chakra, such as turquoise, sodalite, aquamarine, and lapis lazuli.
Enjoy the abundant beautiful blue of the sky, and perhaps even water while you say the following affirmation:
Affirmation: speak only the truth. I communicate easily with honesty and integrity. I hear only the truth. I listen without judgment. I comprehend with compassion. I speak my will easily.
Check out Lisa’s Chakra Healing CD, You Can Heal Your Life, One Chakra At A Time; a powerful, 3-CD program focuses on the seven major Chakras of your body, providing the key to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Includes guided meditations, affirmations, energizing exercises, aromatherapy and Chakra crystal healing to cleanse, balance and energize your Chakra System! Only $35.00 for an entire workshop on CD! Order today!
Announcing Zumba!! An unforgettable dance class
What is Zumba? An extremely fun, joyful fitness program inspired by Latin dance, combinging the rhythms of salsa, meringue, cumbia, reggaeton and more. So fun, Zumba takes the “work” out of “working out”!
- For those of you who feel like you can’t dance
- For those of you who do or don’t have partners that won’t take you dancing
- For those of you who are tired of regular aerobic classes
- For those of you who need an outlet to let loose and party
Special Offer! 1 Free Zumba Party Pass to those who receive this email (yes you can forward it to others as well). Just reply to Jackie@jackiebrinkerhoff.com with your name, address, phone, and what day you’d like to reserve your free spot and I’ll add you to the Party list. Once you find that you love the Zumba way, here is a special Introductory Promotion :$5/class – when you purchase a 10 class punch pass
June Zumba Schedule
Every Wednesday 9.30 am – 10.30 am
Every Thursday 7.45 pm – 8.45 pm
Place: Wasatch Ballet Conservatory Studio, 488 W. 1400 N., Orem (just West of Taco Amigo on State St.)
Call Jackie at 801-318-4500 or email Jackie@jackiebrinkerhoff.com.
Terrific Tips for Health & Healing
By Deborah Zbicki, Health Consultant
Did You Know That Peppermint Oil Has Many Uses?
Peppermint oil is a very good digestive aid. A few drops in a glass of water makes a great, refreshing beverage that tastes great and improves digestion. This oil can eliminate or reduce nausea, gas, bloating, and abdominal cramps.
The oil can be rubbed onto aching muscles to provide relief. A few drops can be massaged into the temples to reduce a headache. Peppermint oil can be applied to the chest, to assist with colds, flu, and fevers. The oil can also be rubbed into the bottoms of the feet to alleviate body aches and pains.
Peppermint oil can be applied to the throat area to assist in balancing and opening up the throat chakra energy center.This oil can be applied topically to the skin, but should be diluted with another oil before skin application.
Deborah Zbicki will be providing you with a valuable health tip every month. Deborah is a health consultant, registered nurse, medicine woman, life/health coach, Reiki master, and energy practitioner. In her delicate way of balancing the skills of Western medicine and the deep wisdom and knowledge of Eastern medicine, she assists clients to gain clarity and move forward into wholeness. She can be reached at (801) 712-6700.