Will You Make the Shift?
Hello Abundant Friends and Family,
You are receiving my November newsletter a few days early because I have decided to teach a Chakra Healing class November 6th and I wanted to give you plenty of notice about it. This is a very self-empowering 1 day class. I have created 50 worksheets for your 7 main Chakras that raise your level of self-awareness. I see my students in this class have many “aha” moments because the worksheets give them the opportunity to see how they are “doing life” and to see what is working and what is NOT working. Students also receive a beautifully illustrated 140 page Chakra Healing book. More details come later in this newsletter and are also posted on my website www.HealingLTC.com
“Reality Shifting Project”
Wow! It has been a fun month working on 1st chakra energy in my “Reality Shifting Project”. Many of you jumped on board with me and I have enjoyed hearing from each of you on your progress. I am excited to share with you what I have learned so far.
I stared out with some positive affirmations and declaring to the Universe, to Mother/Father God, and to my Angels that I deserve and call forth abundance. Well, I quickly learned how I create for myself scarcity and lack! I say I want it BUT I block it with “conditions”. I say I deserve it but I block it with pride due to low self-esteem and self worth. Holy Hannah!!! Are any of you experiencing blocks to your abundance?
Here is just one of my examples… My dear friend Mary decides that she wants to experience the giving side of abundance. She goes on a shopping spree. Next thing I know, I have 4 boxes of clothing all for my 3 year old granddaughter sitting on my back porch. Not just 1 or 2 bags but yes, 4 full boxes! Here is where my first block to abundance showed up. I will label it “conditions”. My ego mind starts to chatter and say “I want abundance but only if it comes through me or my own works. I want abundance but not if it looks like charity. I want abundance but I don’t want anybody else to know what my abundance needs are. I want abundance but not if it means opening my heart to my friend and allowing vulnerability and humility into my space”. I am very clear that every time I stated or felt one of these “conditions” that the universal flow of abundance came to a screeching halt just before it entered into my reality!
The second block that showed up for me in this situation is called “pride”, which I now realize is due to low self esteem and lack of self worth. As I mentioned earlier, my friend Mary gave me 4 full boxes of clothing for my darling little granddaughter. I felt myself start to shrivel and shrink with guilt. I felt guilty that she spent so much money. Then I started to feel angry as my ego mind says “Why couldn’t she just by 1 or 2 boxes, why 4 boxes, why so much?” I felt like I should give her something in return to make up for her trouble and expense. My “pride” wanted to insist that I give her free Reiki treatments to pay her back. I let guilt consume me until I finally broke down in tears with the realization that I am lacking in self-worth. I did not feel deserving of so much abundance, even though I stated it in my affirmations.
This was a big “aha” moment for me. I became very clear that in order for me to shift reality I would first get to let go of the self-beat up stick, self-judgments, and self-criticisms. These are all blocks to the natural flow of abundance! I also learned that I get to be more balanced in the giving and receiving aspects of my relationships. All of our relationships show up as mirrors that reflect back to us what is going on internally. Which brings me to the next step on our “Reality Shifting Project.” I am now ready to move from the first chakra upward into the next chakra located below the navel.
The 2nd Chakra relates to relationships, change and movement, pleasure, creativity, sexuality, sensuality, and work. The Sanskrit name is Svadhisthana and means “sweetness”. We are moving out of survival mode and basic existence in our 1st chakra and moving upward to where our 2nd chakra can help us embrace the “pleasure principle”. This is what makes life worth living.
second chakra
Learning how to balance the energy in your 2nd chakra includes an acceptance of the desire to enjoy a pleasurable lifestyle and to embrace whatever change is necessary to bring that about.
Let’s first start with some cleansing ideas:
- If you are a Reiki practitioner, draw the power symbol into this chakra.
- Take a bath in Jasmine oil as you say out loud a few releasing affirmations “I now let go and release any guilt concerning my desires”. “I now let go and release fear of sexuality and sensuality.” “I now let go and release worry about change and movement.” “I let go of heavy concerns with my work”
- Do some bowel cleansing with herbs or a colonic. People who are stuck in their 2nd Chakra are usually quite constipated! For professional info on body cleansing visit my friend Mia at www.cleansemybody.blogspot.com . I see her often. I LOVE colonics!
- Use Crystal Therapy with Citrine or Carnelian or Golden Topaz (or all 3). As I explained in my last newsletter… You do not need to do anything elaborate with a crystal in order to obtain its benefits. Just hold or examine it, have it in your environment where you can readily see it, put it near your bed, hold it during meditation, have it with you in your car, or wrap it in silk and take it with you in your pocket wherever you go. Bathe with them as you say your releasing affirmations (Be sure to cleanse your crystals before using them so they are not carrying anybody else’s energy, if you do not already know how to do this please feel free to E-mail me.)
After cleansing your chakra it is important to re-charge and balance the energy:
- Reiki practitioners can draw or visualize the master symbol in the chakra.
- Study the glandular connection to the 2nd Chakra which is Ovaries/Testes. Know your anatomy so you know how to best serve your body!
- Go out dancing, take dance classes, dance in private behind locked doors if you have to, put on some music and JUST MOVE! Your 2nd chakra is all about movement. Belly dancing is especially beneficial J
- Create a list of your desires and what you find pleasurable and sweet in life.
- Use positive affirmations to assist you in attracting sweetness and pleasure. For example “I AM open and willing to allow my creativity to flow abundantly” “I AM safe to allow change and movement in my life that will support my abundance of joy, sweetness, and prosperity” “I AM ready to accept my perfect job that nurtures my soul and supports my desires”
- Crystal Therapy is good for re-charging as well as for cleansing. Use the crystals listed above. Carry them in a beautiful pouch with your positive affirmations that I just listed, or affirmations that you have created yourself.
- Be willing to create win/win relationships by balancing the giving and receiving in your relationships. Are you the one who is constantly give-give-give? Or do you prefer to be the receiver most of the time? Are you mostly passive or do you tend to be the aggressive one?
- Look at your relationships as a reflection of what is going on within yourself.
Remember that your chakra system is made up of spinning vortices of light that transfer Life Force Energy. We receive Life Force Energy from our “Source” (whatever name you choose to call it ….God, Ala, Buddha, Krishna) I call it Mother/Father God or God/Goddess Energy. So anyway, if our chakras are clogged and dense then we are not able to channel the “Abundance” of life force energy that Mother/Father God supplies for us. It really boils down to choice and using wisdom from Spirit rather than Ego Mind to create our own reality. Right?
I am excited to hear from those of you who have joined my “Reality Shifting Project.” I look forward to another month of “aha” moments!
Reiki Healing for Beginners November 7- 8
I am teaching one more Reiki class this year. It is Levels 1 & 2. I teach both levels together in a weekend workshop. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!
Reiki is for EVERYBODY….not just people in the healing arts. Yes, Reiki is a healing modality but it turned out to be so much more for me personally. Reiki is a high frequency energy that will move through and break up denser and stuck energies. It is what we call a “Holistic” healing technique because it addresses our healing needs as the “holistic beings” that we each are. We are not just our physical bodies. We are not just our feelings and emotions. We are not just our thoughts. We are not just a spirit. We are all of these combined as a whole. In order to have complete healing of illness or dis-ease we get to look at all aspects of ourselves. It is vital that we release the dense and stuck energy in our physical body, our emotional body, our mental body, and in our spiritual body. Reiki can assist you.
Reiki is NOT a religion but in fact can be a very spiritual experience. Because it is spiritually guided life force energy, it does not depend on one’s intellect to use. You do not have to be good at meditating and you do not need to worry about hurting yourself or somebody else. Reiki can cause NO HARM. It is used worldwide in hospitals and compliments any other healing modality.
Most of my students learn Reiki with the intention of using it on themselves and loved ones. Some decide to make it a career like myself and others want to add it to the work they are already doing. They come from all walks of life with different careers, religions, and beliefs. My youngest student was my granddaughter at 18 months old. After receiving lots of Reiki from the moment of conception she became very familiar with the energy and started asking for it. Then one day she insisted that I sit still on the floor so SHE could give Reiki to me! She is now 3 years old and still loves giving and receiving Reiki almost on a daily basis.
children reiki
My own children started learning Reiki between the ages of 6 and 8. I have had teenagers come to my classes that just blow me away with their natural knowing of energy flow and their strong connection to Spirit! Reiki is a great tool for doing homework and releasing un-healthy peer pressure.
It is my pleasure to invite you to learn Reiki with me November 7-8. I only take 12 students in order to create a cozy, fun, and safe atmosphere. All of your questions will get answered and you will leave with the ability and confidence to give yourself and others a powerfully healing Reiki treatment.
For more info and class details please visit my website www.HealingLTC.com
Healing Space for Rent…….I am looking for a roommate to share my treatment room with in Orem. Full-time or part-time with flexible hours. My room is fully furnished with Reiki/Massage table, stereo, relaxing music, mellow décor, water fountains, and of course healing energies! Please email me if you or somebody you know is interested lisa@healingltc.com
Thank you for supporting my passion for learning and for teaching. May your journey be filled with healing light and love.
Lisa Rosswalker