Happy New Year…………oops where did December go? Nope I did not get December newsletter mailed out. It was a crazy fun month with computer viruses putting my laptop down for lots of naps, broken furnaces, spouting water heaters, and leaking dishwashers. And it was one of the best Christmases my family has ever had! Repair bills came pouring in as the money kept pouring out. After our Christmas fund got drained with these un-expected costs and with very few gifts under our tree we found ourselves basking in each others company just hanging and laughing on Christmas Day. We experienced an abundance of family time and some well deserved healing time! (with out the annoyance of noisy wrapping paper right?)

I had yet another opportunity to experience the true Spirit of Christmas because of a special group of friends who really showed up for me………….thank you Teresa, Tara, Adrienne, Ruth, Mary, and Sharee. You took me by surprise with so much giving and love. All I can say is this “I WANT MORE!” Wow it feels good to love and be loved!!

I am putting it out there that each of you reading this newsletter will experience the true Spirit of Christmas ALL YEAR LONG this year!

“Reality Shifting Project”

If you are new this month please be sure to read October and November newsletter. They have part 1 and part 2 of a 7 part series that I will be teaching on Chakra Anatomy and how it affects our prosperity and abundance. I decided in October to take my own personal power back from the entity called “Our Economy” which is blamed for scarcity and lack and destruction. I decided to create a different reality by shifting my own energies and by taking personal responsibility and accountability for what I have, or don’t have, in my life. With all that being said, can I just say “Holy Hannah! I have opened up a can of worms!”

In October we worked on our 1st chakra energy center and we moved up into our 2nd chakra in November. Remember that your 2nd chakra is located just below your belly button and resonates to the color orange. It relates to creativity, sexuality, sensuality, relationships, change, movement, desire, and pleasure. On a physical level the energy here supports your lower back, pelvic area, reproductive organs and bladder.

So, I went to work on my second chakra. I cleansed, charged and balanced (see last month newsletter for ideas and tips). After only 1 week I saw and felt HUGE results. The results being I could hardly move because of low back pain! I have never before experienced any kind of pain with any part of my back, so I knew I must have really stirred up stuck old energy (A can of worms one might say). At first I thought it was quite interesting and kind of cool because it validated that what I was doing was truly working. Well, after 2 weeks of being in pain I got a bit impatient. I wanted my 2nd chakra issues to be healed and cleared away and instead they got bigger and more obvious and more in my face to the point that my Ego Mind said “Ok, Lisa this is enough pain, you are focusing too much on the 2nd chakra. Just ignore your issues and let’s close this can of worms back up”. Hence, I went into a state of denial concerning specific relationship issues and I began to justify my lack of movement, my unwillingness to change or re-negotiate. My back pain lessened, and so did my cash flow! UGHH!! My second chakra was clogging up my ability to receive prosperity and abundance L

With extra time on my hands (because my clientele schedule slowed down due to the clogging) I decided to get a Reiki treatment. My Reiki practitioner, Sharee Snyder, (see website for her bio) intuitively worked heavily on clearing energy blocks in my 2nd chakra. After just 2 Reiki treatments I went into cleansing mode physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. (I got stuck in the bathroom for 24 hours). The good news is that I decided to shift out of denial and I am currently working on re-negotiating in a few specific relationships in order to create win/win situations for all who are involved.

So, how about you? How did you do? How healthy is your 2nd chakra? How healthy are your lower bowels, bladder and reproductive system? How is your lower back feeling? (Mine feels awesome now-a-days)
question mark

I have received emails from many of you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with our “Reality Shifting Project”. Here is what a friend from
Idaho is experiencing (also a former Reiki student):


I followed your suggestions for the first Chakra as it related to money (for one example). Within one week I received an unexpected $200.00 rebate check, a $30.00 refund check, and a $200.00 certificate at work. I could feel my angel at my left shoulder.

The second Chakra is an area I have been struggling with. I recently gave my late husband’s BBQ to a beloved brother, but it was like saying goodbye to my hubby all over again. Man it hurt and it will be six years very soon. Time really means nothing I have found. Anyway at least you showed me where to get started. Will keep you posted.”

So a few weeks go by and I hear from this friend again;

I received another check and I am just blown away! Thank you!”

Congratulations to my friend for being willing to perceive her reality as ABUNDANT and for having the courage to keep moving through her second chakra even though it kinda opened a can of worms as she experienced pain with the loss of her precious hubby. I am in gratitude that she was willing to share with all of us…..THANK YOU!

So, are we all ready to move upward into our 3rd Chakra energy center? Let’s do it!

Your 3rd chakra is located in your solar plexus area just below your sternum and the color is yellow. This chakra relates to personal power, self-esteem, self control, self-honor, self respect, happiness, joy, and the courage to stand in your own power. This chakra supports you stomach , pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. When examining the health of your 3rd chakra, ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I constantly seek other’s approval and/or opinions?
2. Am I a control freak feeling over burdened as I take on too much responsibility?
3. Or am I just the opposite and I am easily controlled by others and afraid to stand up for myself?
4. Do I honor my own body with proper nutrition, exercise and rest?
5. Do I honor my own boundaries?
6. Is my self esteem easily attacked and depleted?
7. Are my own happiness and joy dependant on the happiness and joy of others?
8. Am I an over-eater?
9. Am I an over-achiever?
10. Do I often feel angry and resentful?

If you answered yes to the majority of these questions this could be where you block your ability to channel the flow of universal prosperity and abundance.

I have 1 simple and very effective cleansing technique for you to do on a daily basis this month for your 3rd chakra. Place your hand on this energy center (in your solar plexus area) move your hand in a clockwise direction as you imagine spinning the energy here, after a few minutes change the direction to counterclockwise. Spin the energy for several minutes. Then imagine or pretend that you are pulling yucky old icky energy out from your 3rd chakra. Use both of your hands to pull. Then flip or shake off your hands as you send these energies upwards to the heavens to be completely healed with love and light. Complete this cleansing by spinning the energy clockwise again. This technique is simple, powerful, and can be used on any chakra as many times a day as you feel like doing it. You may feel silly at first, but please keep doing it! After all, what have you got to lose?

After cleansing your 3rd chakra it is important to re-charge and balance the energy.

* Be willing to let go of your need to control others actions, thoughts and feelings. This type of control dis-empowers others and it also becomes a burden of responsibilities that are not meant to be yours. Being a control freak also creates anger, resentment, and low self-esteem in those whom you are trying to control. The ripple effect, or Karmic effect, will come back to bite you and could make you fat due to the extra burdens that control freaks carry!

· Take accountability for your own actions, thoughts and feelings and let go of your desire to cast out blame. When you blame other people or situations in your life you are simply “giving your power away” this will drain energy from your 3rd chakra and could leave you with digestive problems, fear, anxiety, pancreas or gallbladder weakness, etc.

· Do some Crystal Therapy using Yellow Citrine, Topaz, Sunstone or Adventurine Quartz, you can wear crystals, pack them in silk cloths, lay them on top of your 3rd chakra, hold them in your hands as you repeat affirmations, keep them within eyesight to remind you of the work you are doing in the energy center.

· Use Aromatherapy with the essential oils Bergamont, Cinnamon, Lemon, Vetiver, and Carnation. Rub a few drops on the bottom of your feet. Buy a diffuser that disperses the aroma into the air.

· Create affirmations that assist you in standing in your power, for example ” I AM a prosperous and abundant child of God” ” I AM a powerful creator ” ” I AM my own person, I choose how to think and behave” ” I AM worthy, I accept and value myself exactly as I am”

· Commit to taking care of your body with good nutrition, daily exercise, and proper rest. Your 3rd chakra relates to digestion and assimilation. So, eating as healthy as possible and taking good nutritional supplements will nurture this energy center. Also, if you have excess belly fat and you are not exercising daily, even just a 20 minute walk, it is possible to get stuck and congested in this chakra which could create a very toxic liver which then will give you dirty blood to circulate through out your body. YUCK! (My favorite exercises for my 3rd chakra are my mini-trampoline and laughter).