Usui Holy Fire III Reiki 1 & 2 Training

Introducing the Power of Usui Holy Fire III Reiki taught Online with LIVE classes. Also "In- Person" at Orem, Utah. Tuition is $495 Consider each date "OPEN" unless it says "FULL".
Register Now


No previous experience required!

Holy Fire Reiki 1 & 2 is easy to learn, and powerful to use on yourself, friends, family, clients, pets, plants, crystals and more! Everyone welcome! Whether you are a professional, a lay person, or a closet healer, you will definitely benefit from the material presented!

Upon completion of this 2-day workshop, you will receive a certificate from The International Center for Reiki Training. (Known as the ICRT) You will have the skills and knowledge needed to immediately start giving yourself and others powerful Reiki treatments!

If you are already a Reiki practitioner, this course will most certainly enhance your previous Reiki training and add to your Reiki tool box!

Online LIVE Reiki training is available for you to attend from the convenience of your own home! This is NOT a recording. You will interact LIVE with lessons, attunements, practice time, questions, and answers via Zoom with myself and other students.

I limit each class to only 10 students to ensure high-quality training with a personalized touch. No need to wonder if class is FULL…..I post next to each date what the availability is.

This is definitely a time for each of us to stay strong and follow our intuition to become healers!

As always, feel free to text me, or let me know if you prefer a phone call if you have any questions. Lisa StarAhna 801-360-6909. Remember that each class is OPEN for registration unless it says FULL next to it.

“I was sick of feeling sick and frustrated! I felt drained and grumpy. Lisa’s Reiki training gave me a new lease on life. It has been 10 months since my Reiki I/II, I have lost 20 pounds, and my symptoms of Fibromyalgia have drastically lessened!  Lisa continues to support me whenever I have questions. She is a compassionate mentor! Many thanks to you Lisa StarAhna!”  Alicia T from Wyoming


NEW YEAR 2025 Dates Available In-Person and Online

  • February 22-23 NOT AVAILABLE
  • March 22-23
  • April 26-27
  • May 31-June 1
  • July 19-20
  • August 16-17
  • October 4-5
  • November 15-16 

In this healing 2 day class, 9am to 6:00pm, we will learn:

  • The use of Reiki to connect to your Highest Spiritual Guidance.
  • Using Reiki to heal mental, emotional and spiritual challenges.
  • How Reiki alleviates pain and illness in the physical body.
  • Self-empowerment and strengthening your own auric field with Reiki energy.
  • Creating a healing environment for your home and family.
  • Using Reiki to create with and to manifest your goals.
  • Healing unwanted habits that may be blocking your desires and goals.
  • Creating positive changes in your relationships and self-image.
  • The profound ripple effects of using long distance Reiki.
  • How to give a full 60 minute Reiki treatment to others.
  • How to give yourself a Reiki treatment to balance your chakras and heal your body.

chakra healingNote that only 10 students are accepted per class with the intention of providing a classroom environment that supports personal healing, plenty of hands-on instruction, and quality time for getting all questions answered.

This class combines lecture, discussion, an attunement for each level, meditations and plenty of hands-on practice in a well organized, but relaxed program. The class material is helpful for all healthcare providers as well as “regular people” who wish to use Reiki for family, friends, pets, and self-healing. 

“Wow! I use Reiki in my daily meditation practice and my 3rd eye gets more and more open! I am loving Reiki!” Sammy from Utah

“Reiki is healing my heart in ways I never thought possible after my son passed away. Lisa shared with me how she used Reiki to move through her own grief as she too lost her son. I am very grateful that I learned Reiki and Lisa has been my perfect teacher” Sherry from Arizona                     

In Level I (which is Day 1) you will learn:

  • What Reiki is, how it heals, and how you can apply it in your everyday life.
  • Receive your first placement (attunement) for Reiki 1 Level.
  • History of Reiki backed up by verifiable facts and information.
  • Use of the Gassho Meditation Technique practiced by Dr. Mikao Usui.
  • How to heal the Aura with a Japanese technique called Bysosen Scanning.
  • How to give yourself a Reiki treatment including self Byosen Scanning and Chakra cleansing.
  • Kenyoku technique to strengthen your own energy and to disconnect from energy, that is not yours.

In Level II (which is Day 2) you will learn:

  • 3 Powerful Reiki II Symbols are given! Learn what each individual symbol means and what each symbol can be used for in your day to day life.
  • Receive your second placement (attunement) to Reiki 2 Level which attunes you to the first 3 Usui Reiki symbols.
  • How to use the Reiki II symbols when giving a treatment on yourself and others.
  • Gyoshi-ho for expanding your ability to channel Reiki energy.
  • How to give a long distance Reiki treatment specifically using the 3rd symbol.
  • How to document treatments given and how to discuss with clients, patients, friends, even strangers, what the healing benefits of Reiki are and how it works.

A detailed 125-page class manual is included to assist you in a further home study of the course. Upon successful completion, a certificate from The International Center for Reiki Training is awarded. When you finish with this amazing weekend, you will have the skills and confidence necessary to give yourself and others a powerful Reiki healing treatment!

  • Tuition – $495.  Includes a 1 Year Subscription to the Reiki News Magazine. If you currently have a subscription, four additional issues will be added.
  • Deposit – $175 will reserve your space.  Each class is OPEN unless it says FULL next to the date. So go ahead and register. Your remaining balance is due by the 1st day of class, or you may prefer to pay the full balance when you register. Deposits are non-refundable and may be transferred to future classes within 1 year.
  • Class times – 9am to 6:00pm
  • Lunch -60 minute lunch break and several mini breaks will be given
  • Directions – Will be emailed to you after registration is received for in person classes in Orem, Utah.

Not many weekends can be categorized as life altering but being surrounded by Reiki for two days would definitely qualify as such. Lisa classes are powerful, inspiring, and insightful. Although Lisa could easily fill auditoriums with her genuine nature, by keeping the class to a limited number of students it kept the classroom setting intimate and inviting. She encouraged questions and provided hours of hands-on practice which allowed each of us to leave with the confidence to perform Reiki on clients of our own. The class left me thirsty for more and I can’t wait to go back for the Master class. Thank you Lisa!”

H.H. from Utah

No need to ask first…all dates OPEN for registration unless it says “Full”!  All classes available ONLINE as well as IN-PERSON unless otherwise stated.

NEW YEAR 2025 Dates

  • February 22-23 NOT AVAILABLE
  • March 22-23
  • April 26-27
  • May 31-June 1
  • July 19-20
  • August 16-17
  • October 4-5
  • November 15-16 
No worries…I will post next to each date if the class is “FULL” So go ahead and register now!

“Lisa is a POWERFUL teacher! This class was much more than I expected. I will be back for the Reiki Master training!” David from Utah.