9 Pairs of Healing Hands
Kim Hadley of Utah woke up one day last month and just didn’t feel well. Within a few hours she was in so much pain she couldn’t stand it, which was good. It was a warning that her life was in danger.
“My body decided to scream really LOUD!”
“I was taken to the hospital by ambulance,” says Kim. “On the way I was given an indication of how serious this was. I had a choice – to live or die. I made a choice to stay. I have a lot to do here.”
In staying however, Kim was in for some serious work. Her colon had ruptured and filled her belly with toxic poison. Through emergency surgery, part of her ruptured colon was removed and she was given a colostomy bag that will be with her for three months. More surgery will be required in three months to remove more of her colon and have the bag removed.
“I know that this has a lot to do with my lower chakras being out of balance,” says Kim.”I was constantly holding things in, choosing to ignore, stuffing instead of feeling. My body decided to scream really LOUD! Surprising how I chose to ignore the signs my body was giving me.”
“It was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had.”
The day Kim came home from the hospital, Lisa understood the gravity of her situation and as part of a field trip, brought her Reiki I & II class to lay their hands upon her as they practiced their new skills. “It was amazing – absolutely amazing!” Kim exclaims. “It was so beautiful to have all of their healing energy. It almost felt like I was laying between two pyramids, one on top of me and one below me, healing me.” Kim’s healing progressed rapidly from that point, for about a week. Then it slowed. “I could feel my body not continuing the pace it had started,” she says. “I went to see Lisa, and as soon as I received another Reiki treatment, I was balanced and back in a much swifter healing mode. It’s hard to explain but unbelievably real.”
Healing Light Training Center challenges you to ask yourself, “Is my body worth taking care of? Am I worth changing my diet or habits? Is my health worth it?” What you decide is a true reflection of your self worth, where your self-esteem resides. (Look for more information concerning this topic in the article below.) We celebrate Kim’s acknowledgement that she deserved a weekly Reiki treatment to continue healing as a reflection of how she has now decided to honor her body and her health! Congratulations, Kim!
Chakra Power
Each month we will give you an introductory taste to one of your seven main vital energy centers known as Chakras. When energy is flowing freely through our chakras, we feel grounded, creative, powerful, loving, confident, intuitive and connected. When energy is obstructed in our Chakras, we feel constricted, sickly, depressed, confused, fearful and disconnected.
Claim the power in your 2rd Chakra this month!
Your 3rd Power Center is located in your solar plexus area.
This third Chakra resonates with the color yellow, and is the center of your I AM power. This Chakra resonates with self-esteem, self-honor, and self-respect, and self-empowerment. Are you feeling dynamic and powerful? Are you feeling spontaneous and vibrant on your life path? Do you highly respect yourself and others? Can you take criticism without feeling hurt, rejected or weak? If not, your third Chakra may be out of balance. Here are some suggestions to assist you in reclaiming your power.
Do something warm and joyful in the sun! Dance, play a ball game. Use crystals with energy frequencies that support the 3rd Chakra, such as Yellow Citrine, Sunstone, Calcite, Malachite, and Quartz. Watch the yellow glow of a candle and say the following affirmation:
Affirmation:Affirmation: My self-esteem is high because I honor who I am. I accept and value myself exactly as I am. I treat myself with deep honor and respect. I deserve all the joy, the love, the respect and the abundance that comes to me.
Tips For “LIFE-ing”
Every month Healing Light News brings you health tips or exciting services offered near you. Here is another great service we found:
Bret Belliston, Intra-Personal Coach
We have found that Bret has an unusual yet effective style of coaching that gets right to the heart of any issue quickly, enabling a deep level of transformation. “I like to step away from the do’s and don’ts but more from the ‘What if?’ perspective.”
“For example,” Bret says, “Are you interested in inner peace? Would you like freedom from emotional suffering, feeling hurt, and being triggered by others’ words or actions? Take a moment and imagine what could be created if you were to free up that energy of ‘upset’ and ‘judgment.’ What would you like to create with that newly freed energy? “When you are not “holding” you have more freedom to create. All the possibilities are very exciting.”
Bret has his Master’s in Spiritual Psychology. If you are interested in talking to Bret, he is offering a free consultation to our readers! Simply call (801) 599-9722 to set up an appointment. Bret will also have a booth at the Holistic Health Fair, being held at the Claim Your Power Conference at Thanksgiving Point, October 12 & 13, 2007. Come and meet him there!