Homestudy Chakra Mentoring Journey PLUS 4 Private and Personalized Reiki Healing Coaching Sessions with Lisa StarAhna!
At the request of my students around the United States and Canada, I have compiled 35 years of my work and created a POWERFUL, 10- Week Homestudy Chakra Mentoring Journey through your 7 main Chakras. To know thyself is to heal thyself, and this is the pathway to enlightenment! Register Now“I am PASSIONATE about teaching and sharing information about our Chakra System! I believe every elementary school should have health classes that include Chakra Anatomy!”
Hello, My name is Lisa StarAhna. Most people call me Star. I have been a Holistic Healing Practitioner for 35 years. Because of my career I have attended many workshops and seminars around the United States all related to health, psychology, science and spirituality. I have learned from well-known scholars, received many certifications and licensing, and have acquired many tools to assist my clients and students.
HOWEVER! My greatest assets and strongest tools that I wish to share with you in this 10 week course came from my own personal healing journey that started in 2001 with the death of my 19 year old son that rippled into the death of his father just 17 months later, that then rippled into the mental breakdown of my 24 year old daughter which resulted in her drug addiction and a life of pure hell for my entire family.
You see, I thought I was doing “Ok” after my son died. But then his father died, and I started to feel less ok. I watched my daughter crash with grief from losing her brother and her father. Her drug addiction took her in and out of rehab and jail. I found myself in a mother’s worst nightmare….and I went into fight or flight mode. I looked around at my crumbled life and my broken 5 children and I said to myself “I can either curl up and die, or I can survive”
My Quest for survival took me into the depths of my own shadows where grief, guilt, shame and blame were running rampant. My Soul was literally bleeding out, hence my own Soul Retrieval Journey had begun! I spent from 2001 up until this very moment learning how to acknowledge, accept, and then transform my darkest emotions into personal power and spiritual enlightenment.
To make a very long story short my journey took me from “survive” to thrive! I now THRIVE with personal power, I now THRIVE and grow and connect on spiritual levels I never knew possible! I still have my shadows lurking around. I still feel grief when I miss my son and my first husband. I am still human, and I get into my grungies! However, I have tools that ignite my soul. I have tools that heal my heart. I have tools that awaken my passion. I have tools that remind me I AM A PASSIONATE POWERFUL LOVING HEALING GODDESS OF LIGHT!
I am Inspired! I am Empowered! I am FREE to BE ME!
Upcoming Dates: Each Session Runs for 10 Weeks
- April 28, 2025
- June 2, 2025
- August 18
This Home-Study Chakra Mentoring program is for people who are seriously committed to reclaim personal power and work on self-healing!
Which is why I include 4 private and personalized Reiki healing treatments that include coaching based on YOUR individual needs. (My Normal Rate is $145 per session) You do NOT need to come for treatment in-person. You can receive these treatments as a “Remote Distant Healing” or you can come to my Orem location. I PROMISE you, they are equally effective!! (Each session is 1 hour and 20 minutes)
(Click on “Private Sessions” at top of page to read more info about my treatments).
This program is a compilation of 35 years of my work with students and clients. I am sharing information that brought light into my darkness many times over. I am offering you the tools that I personally utilize to trudge through my losses and my grief. I wish to inspire you to fully embrace the power that lies within you to heal yourself “One Chakra at a Time” in real life scenarios!
Let me show you how to be more grounded, physically healthy, creative, independent, and passionate. I will show you how to connect to your inner desires, manifest your goals, and heal your relationships.
Let me share these tools with YOU……..
Are you struggling with grief or depression? Are you struggling with health issues? Are you tired of feeling stuck in life?
Or perhaps you are simply wanting to develop your intuition and psychic awareness?
I can PROMISE you that knowledge is the key to personal power and spiritual enlightenment! This chakra journey will assist you in gathering up the pieces of your shattered soul. I will work with you and walk by your side for 10 weeks.
Here is a Basic Outline of Your 10 Week Chakra Journey:
- Personalized Instruction: I accept only 6 students into each 10-week session. We form a fun, interactive, powerful tribe together!
- Reiki Healing Treatments! I have an active Reiki healing practice. I see clients in person and I also do remote healings for people all around the world. During your 10-week healing journey I will meet meet with you privately for 4 Reiki healing treatments and coaching sessions. This is a 1 hour and 20 minute, very personalized treatment. It will include chakra cleansing and balancing along with coaching that will help you better understand your journey. You have the option of a “Remote Distant Healing”, or you can come to my Orem location for in-person healing. They are BOTH just as effective!!
- Recorded Video Class: Every 10 days I will send you a Zoom Link to watch a new 45 minute video class recording that introduces each new Chakra.
- 90 Page Workbook: You will receive a 90 page workbook via email filled with self-discovery worksheets pertaining to each specific chakra that we are working on. You will work with the power of affirmations. You will learn about your own chakra health and how to recognize when a chakra is out of balance. You will develop awareness of why you do the things you do and how to actually make healthy changes!
- Crystal Therapy and Essential Oils: You will learn which crystals are used to activate each chakra. You will learn which essential oils are best to bring balance and better health to these vital energy centers.
- Physical-Mental-Emotional-Spiritual: For each of the 7 main chakra centers, you will learn what it’s element is, the emotions and spiritual lessons associated, the physical characteristics and the psychological aspects.
- Guided Meditations: I have written, recorded and produced powerful guided meditations to cleanse and balance each of your 7 main chakra centers. This gives you daily practice for 20 minutes to sink into your body and soul. My students have have reported powerful results!
- Daily Coaching: You will receive a daily group text from me that contains mini lessons, affirmations and prayers for the specific chakra that we are working on. The intention is to keep you focused on your healing throughout the day. This group text also gives us the opportunity to form an AWESOME support group. My previous students have LOVED the learning and the connection they receive from our group messages and cool pics!
Class Information
Registration: Click here to register
Tuition – $1111.11. Your tuition includes everything listed in the outline above. Yes, including 4 Private Reiki Healing Treatments and coaching sessions with Lisa StarAhna! ($580 Value if purchased separately)
Deposit – $370.37 will reserve your spot. You then have the option of making 2 more payments of $370.37 or pay the remaining balance of $740.74 in one payment.
*Remember I can only take 6 students per class. Your deposit is your commitment to show up for YOU!
About Chakras
My intention in creating this program is to empower you with knowledge that will raise your level of self-awareness and will assist you to heal mental and emotional pain, physical issues and spiritual disconnection. There are four levels of healing: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. In this workshop, you will learn how to tune into all four levels of healing through your Chakra System. Each Chakra is located at a specific site throughout your body. Each governs particular body parts and organs, particular parts of your personality, as well as your psychological and emotional make-up.
When balanced, your Chakra System provides powerful benefits to you and your health. Your Chakra System is a part of your anatomy, just like you have your muscular system, your digestive system, circulatory system, and so forth. This workshop focuses on your 7 Major Chakras which are shown in this photograph to your left. The photo is an actual client’s photograph taken by Troy using our Aura Photography system. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language meaning “wheel” or “disk” because they are spinning wheels of light or energy.
Click here for Auro Photos Find out what your own personal chakras look like! Schedule your appointment with Troy to have your Aura/Chakra Photo taken. Call or text him at 801-360-2445. The cost is $55 and includes a fun and informative 22-page report ALL ABOUT YOU!
Your 7 major chakras are located along your spine, starting at the base or tailbone area, and moving upwards to the crown of your head. They are each found next to a hormonal gland and they radiate energy constantly. Although each chakra is closely associated with a specific organ or endocrine gland, these spinning vortexes of energy are part of your subtle energy anatomy. The fact that we usually cannot physically detect our chakras is because they operate as energy fields vibrating at a rate that is undetectable by the human eye and brain. However, this is not always the case, there are many psychic healers and very highly-sensitive people who can see auras and chakra centers. Furthermore, using technology developed from the NASA space program, Dr. Valorie Hunt has scientifically verified that not only does chakra energy exist, but that they are in fact, connected in a very real way to our sensations, feelings and thoughts. For example, if you hold negative or fear-based thoughts and feelings, your chakras become dense and clogged. They cannot push through sufficient energy. This leaves you feeling tired and out of balance because these vital energy centers govern the regulation of your life force.
Psychologically, the chakras correspond to major areas of our lives: money and survival in the 1st chakra, sex and creativity in the 2nd, personal power in the 3rd, love in the 4th, communication in the 5th, imagination and perception in the 6th, and spirituality in the 7th. Each center also correlates to an essential spiritual lesson or life lesson we must learn. Every thought and experience you’ve ever had in your life gets filtered through these Chakra databases and is imprinted in your cells. In addition to corresponding to glands in the endocrine system, our Chakras also represent the elemental forces of earth, water, fire, air, sound, light and thought. Each chakra resonates at a different energetic frequency and corresponds to a specific color of the rainbow.
- 7th Chakra relates to Divine Wisdom, Higher Self, Life Path
- 6th Chakra relates to your Vision, Psychic Intuition, Spiritual Guidance
- 5th Chakra relates to your Communication, Aligning Choices with Divine Will
- 4th Chakra relates to Love, Compassion, Forgiveness
- 3rd Chakra relates to your Self Esteem, Self Control, Joy, Courage
- 2nd Chakra relates to your Relationships, Creativity, Sexuality, Work
- 1st Chakra relates to your Foundation & Physical Health
Upcoming Class Dates:
The Following Dates Run for 10 Weeks Each:
- April 28, 2025
- June 2, 2025
- August 18, 2025
“Lisa, your chakra worksheets are brilliant! My husband even admits that they helped him understand our relationship better. Thank you so much. Blessings.” Shanna and Alex from AZ
“I especially love your chakra meditations. My 8 year old son goes to sleep listening to them every night!” Erin A. from SLC
“Lisa StarAhna! I am almost pain free after suffering with fibromyalgia for 12 years! I continually work on releasing stuck energy from my chakras. I know I have a lot of work still to do but I feel more and more empowered. Thank you for sharing your work and your knowledge.” Kimmie N. from Oregon